Monday, May 14, 2012


Sorry I have not posted anything in a while.  Things have been quiet and I had a tough time with the last chemo.
It is a painful drug, but I am praying it works and learning to leave it on Jesus' lap.  Im a visual person, so I picture my worries about my health in a big box and putting it on His lap.  Every now and then, I find I've got a hold of it again, so i go back and put it on His lap, again.  I wish i could leave it there.
I'm also learning about praising Him in all situations.  When fear or doubt or depression start to grab me, I thank Him for blessings, my children, this day or His goodness. You know what?  It works, but its a continual thing.  Some people are so strong in their faith, and can lay it all down.  Oh how i wish I was that strong.  I don't know why I am such a fearful person, but I suppose God is working on that. Oh I how I pray to be at peace with my life. Someday..
Everyone hear at the Rootsey home is pretty well.  Hmmm, well, they could be better.  Jimmy and Charlie have had a bit of a cold. Rick is with Charlie at the clinic now.  Jimmy is back at school taking finals.  He graduates on Fri!  Wow, my baby.
OK, that's another blessing to thank the Lord for.
Sarah's class went to Islands of Adventure for their big 6th grade field trip.  No more kids in elementary school. She's' off to Middle school!  Rick and I chaperoned and it was great.  That was a lot of walking I tell ya! But worth every step.
Mothers'Day was great.  My sister, Dawne, who is down here in FL, my Mom and I went out for a wonderful brunch on the beach.  Then did a little shopping.  I got some sparkly silver shoes by Tom's.  Snazzy, and blinding in the sunlight.
My 6th chemo is on thursday.  I try not to be "blech" about it, but it's "belch", but it is working.  Hopefully the TDM1 drug will be released soon.  I put  a link to the petition on my sidebar, but you can also google it.  Great results for women with a Her2 positive cancer like me.
This is sort of a boring post, so I am going to end it.  Thanks for checking in.  We are all well, and I am thankful for your prayers as always.  I'll do a good post after my chemo.  I have some thoughts i need to get settled in my head.


  1. Dearest Jo,
    Good post. You are sharing your feelings such a gift to yourself and to us. We will sign the petition. Prayers for all to be well. Sending healing and positive thoughts and prayers to you, your family and all. Warrior on.... we need you. Wishing you and yours many blessings this beautiful day.
    Love always,
    Deidre & family

  2. My dear joann
    I think about you and the family often. I remember your strength and positivity and that shines through now when things are most difficult.
    Our boys are all grown up! Joseph going to university in September - I will miss him so much and Sam off to a local college.
    Keep doing what you are doing.
    Lots of love to you Rick jimmy Charlie and Sarah
    Louise xx

  3. "Give us this day our daily bread"... It is a daily thing. Prayer daily or contunally... Emily and I pray for you daily. :)

  4. Still praying for you, dear one. I had forgotten that our boys were going to graduate the same year! Thomas is walking the walk on this coming Friday. Prayers for all of you as he moves into the next phase of his life.

    Signed the petition, too!

