I'll admit it's ben a tough 8 months on chemo. I've lost a lot of weight and had many side effects from chemo. Too many to list without sounding like a huge baby.
I wish I could say my resolve is strong but I am worn out. Probably most of it is self-induced. Pretty depressing and pretty depressed, makes me not want to do much and hermit-ise myself.
As much as I am thankful for still being here after 11 yrs of a tough diagnosis, it's been a totally different life than I thought it would be. I continue to think of myself as a healthy person but I'm not. Before cancer I was very strong and fairly fit. Hardly ever had a cold. I miss that. The hardest thing to deal with right now is my weak voice and neuropathy in hands and feet.
It's humbling to be that woman or Mom or friend that is sick. I was different before, and I wonder, sometimes, how different things would be, with my kids, friends, marriage, if it weren't for stink in' cancer. Pretty much since we've moved back to Florida, I've had cancer. My dearest friends have only known me since I've been smacked with it. That makes me sort of sad. But they have all helped me get through and taught me so much about The Lord and what life is really about. Thanks, you know who you all are. Especially You!
Feeling bad for myself, you may ask? Why, yes I am.
Feeling bad for family too? You bet! My husband, who handles everything, my precious children who see me cry and have to deal with this too. My Mom, who I see cry because she can't make me feel better. Rick's parents who sacrifice so much for us, and for my dear friends who try so hard to help me and don't know what to say.
Am I thankful? Yes, for all the above mentioned, and so much more.
Would I be relying on my Savior as heavily as I am, if at all? I don't know. Probably not. I hope so, but trials are a way God uses to focus us. Kind of like the way you focus a magnifying glass into a fine point to set a leave on fire.
I don't know how much more chemo I will need, or can handle. It's poison for the sake of Pete. I sort of realize I'll always have to stay on something.
I also understand it might just not work at all. How much do I do? What do I do?
I'm listening to Bob Dylan as I write... probably not the most uplifting, Tangled up in Blue I suppose?
Don't think twice, I suppose? Knocking on Heaven's Door? not yet..
How about something totally cool?
Well, I've got a lot of things rattling around in my head, clearly, but I am thankful. I do have remind myself. There are notes around my home reminding me to be. T he one in the bathroom mirror usually is the most difficult one to deal with.
I see a lot of scars on my body and sadness in my eyes, but I am reminded of the one who has taken my scars and sins, and someday all my sadness.
Here's a little more Bob Dylan, although I changed "she" to "He", obviously meaning My Lord and Savior.
"Shelter From The Storm"
I was in another lifetime one of toil and blood
When blackness was a virtue and the road was full of mud
I came in from the wilderness a creature void of form
"Come in" He said
"I'll give you shelter from the storm".
Ok, well I will update you with test results when I see my Doc.
Honestly, besides the effects from chemo, I feel ok, so I think it'll be ok.I do appreciate prayers as always, for my family and me (or is it I). Feel free to correct me. Also, I don't know when to use "who" or "whom".
Bottom line, I take no credit for still being here after 11 yrs. I realize God has a plan in light of this stuff. Don't say I'm an inspiration, because, obviously I am struggling and I don't do this without the help of the Lord.
I feel strongly, lately, about the term " Survivor" as it relates to cancer. Call me ungrateful, but a sweet young lady (35 yrs old, with three young kids) just died from her cancer this week. Did she do something wrong as far as treatment that did not allow her to survive or be deemed a "survivor"and other women have done something right to survive? No, she did everything she could, more than you could imagine, but still the Lord took her home. That's ok. She was a "Fighter" I think that's a better term. I am not a breast cancer survivor, I'm a Bible believing , follower of Christ who is fighting a nasty disease, so was she. Sounds snarky, sorry.
Don't even get me started on Saving the Ta-Tas, or I love Boobies or even thinking Pink in October. That's for another post.
Listen, I am relieved and happy so many women are doing well, I know they should all be called fighters. You don't just sit around and survive diseases, you fight them. Some differently than others, most I know with the strength of God. I don't know how some women do it without Him, and I don't mean a god, I mean The God. The Three in One God.
I shall step off my virtual soap-box.
Please pray for
-good results
-my family that takes such good care of me
-thankfulness for a Good God that loves you, no matter what you think
ps, again I do not feel ike spell checknig
Joann, I think of you as a young mom, cancer free. Rick, Jimmy and Charlie. (I did not meet Sarah as a baby.)
ReplyDeleteYou were such a good mom. So giving and loving. When Jimmy had a tough night sleeping at my apt. in Boston, you were up with him. When I met you, Jimmy and Charlie for Pizza in the So End and our waitress totally forgot about us, you were there, with your kids, keeping them happy in such a crazy (not kid friendly) restaurant (sorry about that.). I remember you meeting me in Faneuil Hall for Lunch and Jimmy tucked into your baby carrier and Jimmy in a stroller. You were a there, again with your children, smiling, happy, content and beautiful! All of you, happy, calm! (: And Rick, pre-cancer Jo, goofy and totally in love!
So, my point, while you are suffering such terrible illness from this stinking Cancer, your love for your kids and husband, family has not changed. I don't think you have one selfish bone in your body! Your giving spirit, love of your family, and love of life is what your pre-cancer friends in NE and your post cancer friends in Florida see in you. You are pretty amazing. Guess that is why I have been your friend since 1977! (: Thank you.
Just a note to Joann's Florida friends . . . Thank you for taking such good care of my good friend. That cup of tea, coffee, walk, laugh, etc, I wish I was there with you all. God bless you.
Thanks Kathy. That means so much to me. What good memories. Love you Jo
ReplyDeleteI have a lot of great memories stored up in this brain of mine. I loved my trip to Nevada to spend time with you, Rick, Charlie and Jimmy. Lampie park and the Brave Little Toaster. Loved how the boys and you would nap in the afternoon!
DeleteWell, you would not mean to nap but you would get tired when the boys went down for their nap. (:
DeleteJoann, been praying for you alot and will be praying as you go, once again, for your scans and as you await results. You're right that it is hard for friends to know how to help or know what to say - everyone wants to take this burden from you, to bring some relief, and yet we can't, really, except to say we love you and pray for you, and stand beside you. You have found the real source of comfort, courage and strength in Jesus. He sees and knows and understands your grief which you've expressed. Grief that the life you and every young wife and mother expects, anticipates, dreams of and hopes for has instead, for many years, been a life battling against an ugly disease. I am so thankful to God that you are His, so that TOGETHER you've shared the weight of this grief over a long period of time. The evidence of that is very clear to me (and others) even though you may not see it - because while your "outward man" may have gotten weaker, the "inner man" in you has gotten buffer and buffer! (2 Cor 4:16). It's just what God does and He's done it in you!
ReplyDeleteYou probably know this hymn, but I love the words and they are worth meditating on.
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!
What more can He say than to you He hath said,
To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled?
Fear not, I am with thee; O be not dismayed,
For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid;
I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,
Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand.
When through the deep waters I call thee to go,
The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow;
For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless,
And sanctify to thee thy deepest distress.
When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie,
My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply;
The flame shall not hurt thee; I only design
Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine.
The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose,
I will not, I will not desert to his foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
I'll never, no, never, no, never forsake! AMEN!
Love, hugs and prayers,
Aunt Cathy
Azalea broke my phone so sorry you have not heard from me via text. Thinking of you and your family every day. Praying for you, your family, us and your friends each and every day. Your post are appreciated to let us know where you are, what you are thinking and feeling. A gift to all. Love you dear sister in Christ.
ReplyDeleteBig hugs,
Deidre & family