Tuesday, September 18, 2012

PETScan Boat Ride

So I had my test yesterday. I do have Scanxiety as you may have read.
Betty said to pictures myself with Jesus in a flower field (I wish Betty would blog on here again).
Well, when I get on those tables, I get a rocking feeling.  The machine starts up (this one is very quiet), but I squeeze my eyes shut, because it can be tight in there. There's also a bright light.  I don't know what for.
So I started to picture the flower field, but it didn't work, so I thought ,"I'm in a boat, yeah, that's it"( said in a Jon Lovitz voice." I'm in a boat and Jesus has the rudder and the ropes, and the sail is full, and we are on the Sea of Galilee, going slow."  "Keep your eyes on me, pretend the light is the warm sun".  This was fine for the first ten minutes, then I get anxious,"20 mins to go ma'am"  The technician says through the microphone.
Thinking"Ho, Boy, I hate this stuff, what is that machine seeing?  How am I going to wait for results, what do I do if it's lousy, my nose is really itchy and my leg is cramped....should I shift my hip?'

Here comes His voice "keep your eyes on me"over and over, "Get back in the boat, I'm showing you around the Sea that I calmed in the storm, the Sea that I walked on", "I have a full sail and we are moving, you sit there and enjoy sunshine, and keep focused on me"  I do, I couldn't picture Christ but I knew he was there, I did picture the boat, and I still had that rocking motion, and then it was over.
Sweet.  Thank you Lord.
I thought about that a lot after.  The boat imagery didn't sink in .  I have been to Israel and know what the Sea of Galilee looks and feels like, so that part was easy, but the boat part, keeps me thinking.  Me and Him in a boat just big enough for the two of us.
Well, that was cool.
I ate lunch with Rick and my Mom, Betty painted my fingernails because my hands are wonky feeling, then I got sick from something and stayed in bed for the rest of the day and night and woke up this am.
So that was a bummer.
But I have another test in a few hours.
I know how to get through it.
Get Back in the Boat


  1. Praying for your boat ride today. Forecast - calm winds but a sail full of Jesus. Thank you for sharing your heart:) Love ya, Barb

  2. With Jesus in your boat, you have no worries! Praying Joann . ..

  3. Thinking of Dad and the boat up in Maine. So glad God brought me into your family. Yes get back in the boat. Jesus is with you and helping us too. Know you are loved. Your family is loved. Sending strength, hope, good news and big hugs.
    Deidre & family

  4. Thinking of you and your family. Know I love you and your family. My prayers are with you. Sending lots of hugs, Rance

  5. Hi Jo. Just found your blog. I too have cancer, am a mom, write a blog and CAN'T imagine how anyone does this without God. In fact, my Mom and I started making necklaces 3 years ago that read, "can't do cancer without God." I would love to send one to you as well as a book called "Praying Through Cancer." It's a daily devotional and EVERY page brings me peace. I would love to send these gifts to you for free. Please email me at ruthiemarek@yahoo.com with your address and go to my blog ruthiesgift.blogspot.com to see the necklace in the top left hand corner. It's made from a bottle cap and love.
    Looking forward to getting to know you better!
