Hi folks, I am doing, meh...
I had my 6th chemo, and it is tougher than any other chemo that I have had.
Trying to keep my chin up.
Not a long post today, just wanted to let you know that I am keeping my faith in my Healer, Jesus Christ.
The Dr. appt last week was difficult. Even though I have known since Feb., that this round with cancer is very bad, and I may not beat it: it's like a punch in the stomach to hear it from the Dr. again.
I'm getting pretty worn out. "le sigh"
I am thankful and I will continue to praise Him for my blessings, because they are many.
Jimmy graduated from High school last weekend, Sarah graduates from elementary school, and Charlie is looking forward to get more involved in the High school band and other ensembles.
Then there is my sweet husband, whom I just can't get enough of. Sure, we have our issues, but things are so much better when he is near. That is one of the hardest things to think about.. he's my best friend.
Well, we are all sick in this house , too with the runny nose, sore throat, cough thing too, but it makes for a cozy family.
This is the last week of school for the two youngest and then it's sleep in time!
Today I had a brain MRI to check and see if cancer has moved to my brain. i had one three months ago and all was clear, but i have a droopy left eyelid and the Dr. was concerned. They prescribed two valiums for me this morning. One for an hour before and one right before, and I can't seem to shake the wooziness off. I think it's a bit of depression though. Tomorrow I should get results...
I'm not sure how I will handle any more bad news, but i know how I handle good news..much prettier sight! God will give me sufficient grace to handle whatever comes. I know this. Til then, adieu.
Thinking of you always Joann. Loved the picture of you and Jimmy together. What a proud moment. Looking forward to seeing Sarah walk the stage on Friday. I love you....