Sunday, April 22, 2012

Does God Speak? Yes!

Does God speak to us? Yes!  In several different ways, but to me He speaks  when I stop complaining, close my mouth, and am quiet in prayer.  A few times, I am sure, He has used a pad of paper to get my hand writing His promises to me.  There are a few people that I know have heard His voice, perhaps not a loud booming voice, but a definite , without a doubt, "hey , this is God, so listen", sort of experience.  Cool, right?  Sometimes, when  I am at a loss, I will find a scripture in one of my devotionals, and wham-o, there He is.  I will  then go to my Bible and find that scripture so I can read it in it's context, but, sometimes, that scripture or verse or message is just enough to get me through the next little while, and that's all I need.  He doesn't take the fear or anxiety away for ever, here on this Earth, but He is always there, for me/you to go back to, and comforts every time with something new.  It's Daily Bread, or Manna, or in my case, I usually look for that bread quite often during the day.
There has been one time, though, when He wrote me a letter.  Sounds weird, right?  It was wonderful.  Although God is always speaking to us, and wants us to push forward.  I know that He wants me/us to remember those intimate times when He did something amazing, and was so close that I could hear the words in my ears, and with a calm heart, got those words on paper.
I would like to share  the letter with you.  First, I will tell you that I know without a doubt, these words were not mine.  I sat quietly, in a terrible sadness, and prayed for Him to comfort me and speak.  I was going guessed it, cancer testing a year or two ago, and I was at a loss and terribly frightened.  I had to shut my mouth, stop telling Him what I wanted and just listen. I put my head down on my journal and the words started coming to me. In my hand, a pen wrote so fast, I could hardly keep up.  When He was done speaking, what I read was so beautiful and loving and true, I had a good 'ol cry and praised Him.
 Like I said, I need to move on, and still ask Him to guide me and speak to me and to listen to Him, so I try not to re-read the letter that often, because His word is new every day, and I am not the same person I was when He gave me this letter.  But it feels so good to read it and remember.
Long winded Joann, again, but I just wanted to explain myself.  He will talk to you too, if you quiet yourself and listen.  I think it takes practice because our brains don't want to be quiet, but try it.  You can tell when it's Him, because the words are loving, and scriptural and don't sound a bit like us.  Always test His words with the Bible.  He will always agree with scripture.  He can't lie.  That's how you will know if it is you or Him.
Well, here goes.  I hope this blesses you and His truths in this letter apply to you as well.

Here's the scripture that popped into my head from Him.
2 Corintians 10:5  We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it  obedient to Christ.
Then the letter

You are walking with me.  I will walk you through this.  Trust in me and me only.  Do not lean on your own understanding.  The things of this world will pass away.  i tell you to believe what you have heard from those I have sent to you.  Have no fear, because fear is not from me.
I want you to have peace and joy abundantly.
The prince of this world (Satan) wants to ruin that peace and joy, but He will not says the LORD 
God Almighty.
You are mine. You are sealed with my seal.  The Cross of the Lamb that was slain.  All your days are in my hand.  You stay in my Word, I will speak to you every time you ask and humble yourself.  Shut out the noise of this world and listen to me only.  
Your children will be blessed.  They are mine and mine for ever.  Rick is my servant and I love him more than you do.  I have him in my hand for my glory.   I have spoken to you so that you may know I am He who gave you life and chose you from the corner of the world.  I am the LORD Almighty. Have no fear mighty warrior, your days are blessed.

Well, that was my letter.  I love it. I'll tell you something, this new journey that He has me on is really tough.  I feel like I can't win, but I am looking at my circumstance through my eyes, not through His.  Not through the light of Christ and what He has done for me. He knows the beginning and the end, and He tells me not to fear, and that I am a warrior.  I really like that.  I have head knowledge about all this but often not the heart knowledge.  sigh.

I love that He mentions my children and my husband.  They will be blessed and they are in His hand.  What a comfort.  We are on this journey together as a family and my heart aches for them.  Oh, how I wish our path was different, but God has done wonderful things with my kids and I am grateful for that.  Their faith is growing and their trust in Him is getting stronger, and I am grateful, and I can only imagine how Rick will be used for His glory.

Tomorrow, I have another CAT scan, and I am nervous, as usual.  To be sure, I will rely on Him to get me through the waiting process for results.  I also have thyroid Dr. appt and chemo this week.  But ...
I'm so excited that I will be able to see Charlie in a Spring concert at school on Thursday, and enjoy Sarah's Spring Fling at school this Friday.  In a few weeks, Jimmy will be Graduating.  There is much to give praise for.

Waking up in the morning, can be a nasty snap back to reality. (I have very exciting dreams, a lot of flying around involved).  This morning, all the worries flooded back quickly and I asked The Lord to show me something, so I glanced at my email and saw this scripture.
For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the Heavens.

It's followed by a nice message that I will share below.
Thanks for taking the time to read this blog.  I hope you can learn to have some quiet time with The Father, and hear His voice and understand His love and promises for you.
Please pray for good results that tumors in lungs and liver are still shrinking and also for strength. I'm pretty tired ( or Lazy).  I appreciate it as always.
Much Love,

From Streams in the Desert

The owner of the tenement which I have occupied for many years has given notice that he will furnish but little or nothing more for repairs. I am advised to be ready to move.
At first this was not a very welcome notice. The surroundings here are in many respects very pleasant, and were it not for the evidence of decay, I should consider the house good enough. But even a light wind causes it to tremble and totter, and all the braces are not sufficient to make it secure. So I am getting ready to move.
It is strange how quickly one's interest is transferred to the prospective home. I have been consulting maps of the new country and reading descriptions of its inhabitants. One who visited it has returned, and from him I learn that it is beautiful beyond description; language breaks down in attempting to tell of what he heard while there. He says that, in order to make an investment there, he has suffered the loss of all things that he owned here, and even rejoices in what others would call making a sacrifice. Another, whose love to me has been proven by the greatest possible test, is now there. He has sent me several clusters of the most delicious fruits. After tasting them, all food here seems insipid.
Two or three times I have been down by the border of the river that forms the boundary, and have wished myself among the company of those who were singing praises to the King on the other side. Many of my friends have moved there. Before leaving they spoke of my coming later. I have seen the smile upon their faces as they passed out of sight. Often I am asked to make some new investments here, but my answer in every case is, "I am getting ready to move."

PS  from Joann I'm not nearly ready to "move", so don't worry.  I just liked this as an allegory.


  1. Joann, what a beautiful letter. How blessed you and your family are. He is there, holding all of you. Thinking of you today . . . I will be praying, and praying. Thank you for sharing your letter. I plan to copy it and put it in special place. Love you so much. ((((((HUGSSSSSS))))))))

  2. Joann, just wanted to say that I think of you often and pray for you every day. Thank you for sharing this. Hugs--shana

  3. Joann, I've never met you but I feel a siter hood to you. I was diagnosed w/Stage 3 Breast Cancer May 17, 2011. I will add you to my prayer list. God is a Mighty Good God and he keeps his Promises.

    “I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,' declares the LORD”
    -Jeremiah 30:17

    I pray God will restore you to health and heal your wounds here on Earth.
