Sunday, March 25, 2012

Feeling Pretty Good

Hi friends,
Just a little update.  I am feeling physically pretty well, this week, which is great because last treatment, at this point, I was so sore and achy from chemo, but, this time, I only had a few days of aches and pains.  I also feel like my little ticker is getting stronger.  I've been taking longer walks and not getting so tired.  I still like my naps though, especially with my dogs on the sofa.
Spring break is this week for my kiddos and I'm not sure what to do with them to keep them entertained.  Hmmm.  Probably lame stuff according to them.
I think my boys will going on an overnight bus tour to Orlando with their Youth group, so that will be cool.  Sarah is not one to enjoy getting her nails done, but maybe I can convince her.  Quite a few of her friends will be gone on trips during the week, so she and I will be pal-ling around together a bit.  Luckily the pool is warm enough to swim in.  I can not believe she is going to be 12 in a week or so.  My little pink baby...
My sister, Dawne, just headed back home this morning.  I was very sad to see her go.  We had a nice time visiting and talking and enjoying each other.  She was a big help and keep me busy. Plus, she cleaned our pool!  Bonus!
Well, everything is Status Quo here for right now, which is fine with me.  A heart Dr. appt, this week, then chemo next.   I think that will put me at the halfway mark.  I still have my eyebrows(which I am NOT plucking) eyelashes, but they are dwindling, arm hair and little peach fuzz on my lip.  I don't care.  I am taking a hiatus from any more hair removal!
As for my mental status, I appreciate prayers for that too.  This cancer stuff is really draining, mentally, and I have always been a big baby.  I get some serious blues sometimes and tend to act like a hermit when I go through treatment. Please don't take anything personally if I don't act social.  It's me, and it's a problem I need to contend with.  Life goes on, and so should mine.  I let my illness dictate a lot of my time.  I don't consider it a weakness, but I do know that The Lord wants me to change that aspect, and He is growing me that way, although I have been resisting Him, lately.  I hope you can glance at the scripture that I've included up in the right hand corner of the page.  It's a site I go to often that offers a lot of info and commentary as well as a daily scripture.  I really enjoy feedback from my friends, thank you.  Please don't hesitate to post  a comment or complaint or swift kick in my pants if you wish.
Once again, thanks for continued prayers for healing , strength and peace for my family and I.
We are blessed by it.


  1. Love the picture of you and Dawne. So colorful and happy! And thank you for giving specifics about what to pray your mental strength. That is so important and I think we often overlook how hard this is on your psyche as well as your body. Like I said, I will pray for you each day as I look at the vast ocean that our Lord has made. Hugs and hugs and hugs.

    1. I love that pic of us right there. Was that at the Biltmore

  2. Dear JoJo and Family,
    You look so beautiful and so does Dawne. Glad you enjoyed each other. It was an insightful post and we appreciate you sharing so much of you. You are a gift from God to us and to the world. We treasure you. Our prayers continue for you and your family. Keep doing what you are doing, minute by minute, day by day, week by week, month by month and it will go on. God is not done with what he needs you to do. We love you all.
    Deidre & Rance and children

  3. So glad you had such a nice time with your sister. And a great picture of you two! Bet the kids are glad to be off this week. Where are the boys going in Orlando? Maybe Sarah will like a pedicure over a manicure :)
    Will continue to pray for strength and peace for you and your family. What a long haul you've had...
    I hope to come over one day this week or next to see you and have a cup of chai. Love you!

  4. Glad you are feeling well. You look great!! Lots of love--Shana
