Both dogs on bed as I type.Passed out
Gee, I wish I was a little more interesting. I can't think of a whole lot to write about today.
This is for my friend, Betty, who requested more paragraph breaks in my posts.
Quiet day, and a tad apprehensive, because, you see, I have some results coming on Monday. I am apprehensive about them. I am tired of saying"scared", or "worried". It seems like a big chunk of the hard part is over. Apprehensive just about sums it up.
I think this is overkill on the paragraph breaks.
Like I said, a quiet day. I gave Sarah's hair a trim and it came out quite uneven but I think I can fix it. Rick did almost all of the laundry today because I am on some restrictions for my heart( :> ).
I don't really understand why, yet, but the Lord has been leading me to Matthew 14 and 15 for the last month. I have been thinking a lot about the Apostle Peter. I really like him. He was a big , strong, fisherman on Galilee and followed Jesus, with his brother Andrew. It says "immediately" they left their nets and followed Him. Amazing.
One of the reasons I really like Peter is because He was such an all or nothing guy. He made a lot of mistakes, suffered from foot in mouth issues, but he sure did love the Lord. My favorite thing that happened between Peter and Jesus is after Jesus was resurrected, it is described in the Gospel Of John21. Well, while the fisherman went out at night to fish and caught nothing, in the morning they were still out there and this guy that they did not recognize asked them if they caught anything, they said no, and the guy tells them to throw their net on the other side of the boat, right? And they do(obedient), and like 152 fish are in the net. Then the disciples realized it was the Lord(I don't know why they didn't before), but as soon as John said it was him, good old Peter jumps right in the water to run to Him. Somehow I love that. Then it says that Peter pulled the net full of fish to shore(by himself I think), he was very strong.
I love that Jesus already had a fire going on the beach and some bread handy. He was going to cook them breakfast! Serving them. I love that. Now, they had already seen Him after the resurrection, but I think it was much more dramatic than just showing up on the beach sitting down cooking. I love how the Holy Lord, the Risen Christ can be so personal, too. He also took a little time to have a private conversation with Peter to allow Peter to repent for denying him on the night he was imprisoned. I could go on and on about stuff Peter did. I also love that he was the one who tried to protect Jesus from the guards when he was being arrested.but I digress and I just noticed that there are no paragraph breaks.
Anyhow, Jesus gave Peter a little one on one to apologize, repent, or something for denying Him three times. Each time Peter did it, Jesus knew Peter was denying Him even though He was not with Peter when he did it. Another pointer to show that Jesus was fully man, but fully God. And so loving. He knew Peter's heart. I tend to think many of the other Apostles hid somewhere, took off to who knows where, but Peter stayed sort of close to the happenings at Caiaphases'(SP) house. Anyway, it's in John 21, and you should read it. It's pretty neat.
I can relate to Peter because I say a lot of stupid things, I ay try to downplay my faith or my love for Him because it's difficult to talk about in some circumstances. I remember doing it a few times, but I love Him dearly and would jump out of a boat to run to Him. I'd really like Him to make breakfast for me on a beach. That would be the best breakfast ever, and I bet He would have hot coffee , too!
When Rick and I were in Israel we were on a beach on the Galilee that very likely could've been the same spot. I brought some shells home and the are by my bed.Rambling...
I don't know what my point is in this post, but when I opened my Bible a scripture in Matthew was facing me. I hope you can take time to read the story in John about Peter but here is the scripture that stood out to me.
These are the words of Our Lord from the Gospel of Matthew 13, when He is talking about the parable of the four soils, but these words are poignant because I don't always have the right understanding of scripture.
Matthew 13:10-15
New International Version (NIV)
10 The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”
11 He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. 12 Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. 13 This is why I speak to them in parables:
“Though seeing, they do not see;
though hearing, they do not hear or understand.
14 In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:
“‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.
15 For this people’s heart has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their ears,
and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,
hear with their ears,
understand with their hearts
and turn, and I would heal them.’[a]
My prayer for you and me is that we will have eyes to see, and ears to hear the words and miracles of Christ.Sometimes when we read the Bible, it all seems like"blah, blah, blah" Next time, take a second and ask God to open your eyes and your ears to what He is saying. If you truly want to understand the text, He will give you those eyes and ears. Next time at church when the Pastor or Priest is getting ready for his sermon, pray that you can hear what the Lord is trying to tell you. He will give you understanding in your heart as well.
Try it.
Much Love,
Thanks Joann. Today at church I asked God to open my eyes and ears to what he is saying. I understand . . . Read Matthew today while Peter was at Sunday school. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteHey . . keep this landury help for as long as you can. . .
Love the photo of the dogs! They seem to always be at your side!
Take care!
Beautiful words my friend. Everyone loves your blog. Still always giving back in your time of need. Isn't that funny how it works out that way? Not many around like you Joann. Thinking of you and loving you.
I guess you ended up saying quite a bit!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the paragraph breaks. It's like breathing at the end of a sentence.
I love your stories. I can understand them better when they come from your mind. Thank you !
Love you and this blog tons, Jo JO
Thanks for sharing, Joann. It's like "thought streaming" from your brain to the page :)
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of fish for breakfast, I got some sardines to use as a visual for our special ed SS class today (I read in commentaries that sardines were common in the Sea of Galilee and were probably the "small fish" Jesus used to feed the 5,000). I actually liked them! I'm sure Jesus' fresh grilled fish was much better, but I'll open a can and share with you next time :)
Praying for you, especially tomorrow. God's love for you won't change, regardless of the results. So glad He is faithful to be with us ALWAYS. I hope you get a chance to get outside and enjoy this cool, sunny weather. Being outside and seeing the sky always helps me get a picture of how great He really is. Love you!
Dear Jo,
ReplyDeleteYou are a gift to the world. No apologies about being interesting. God has plans for you, he has plans for the doctors, nurses and all who are in your life or are going to enter your life. Remember Deuteronomy 29:29 " The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law. This scripture makes it so clear that healing and health belong to you. Healing has been revealed to us through the Word of God - declared to us through the shed convenant right. Dig in and take hold of it by faith and refuse to let go of your birthright!
We love and yours forever and always,
Deidre & Rance
Rance, Johnathan, Krystal, Kayla, Alexsandria, Azalea and Chloe
Beautiful. You need to write a book. Really! I'll be your editor! Love you!
ReplyDeleteThe writing and the thoughts are wonderful! Love you and you are now offically the first blog i have ever followed.
ReplyDeletejules xoxo