Well, if you know me or have seen me lately, you know that I have a heck of a lot of hair. Always have. Thick curly , frizzy, ... a lot. Its always pretty dramatic for me when it falls out, but thankfully all my friends and family take it with stride, as they have seen me as Baldylocks before. You know how it says that God has every hair on your counted? He's had to do a lot of addition and subtraction with me over the years. I guess he knows how many are hanging in there, up to the minute.
It was difficult the first time I lost my hair, because I felt it was a big part of my identity. Sometimes it drove me crazy but others times it made me feel beautiful. When I went bald the first time, I remember looking in the mirror and thinking I was so ugly with out it. I was ashamed. I didn't realize, or wasn't mature enough to understand that everyone has problems or trials in their life. Most of the times, you have no idea. Cancer is different. Its very visible, and collects a lot of sympathic looks. Especially when you are walking around with three little kids.
I've lost it three more times, and it's always hard. It's not a vanity thing, it's just such a visual thing that you are sick. Not even from cancer, just from the treatment. I guess it's a pride thing.
There's a lot of teachable moments that go along with the hairloss. The last time I lost it, I remember being in Charleston, NC, with Sarah, my friend Betty and her daughter. I usually go scarf less around home or with friends. We were all out walking the streets and Sarah looked at me and said"why are you wearing a hat Mom, are you embarrassed?" I told her no, but that my bald head might make someone uncomfortable. She told me I should not be embarrassed, and it didn't bother her. So, I thought"great, now I have to step it up and show her how to be strong and not embarrassed". So I whipped off my hat.. It felt quite liberating.
I don't really know what my point is in this post. I must be getting around to it sometime, here.I think I just wanted to write about it, because, currently, this is what is happening to me. I have a lot of hair, and it is here, there and everywhere around my house. This is the current length today, but it's jumping ship quickly. There has to be something in the Bible about this.
Well, nothing in the concordance about hair, but I did happening to spot one about groaning.
2Cor 5:1-5
1 For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. 2Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, 3because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. 4 For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. 5 Now the one who has fashioned us for this very purpose is God, who has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
Well, When I think about that and what is to come, hair is not an issue.
Prayer request- I have an MRI of my brain on Wed morning. Please pray for clean clear brain and for peace during the test and waiting for results which I will receive on Thursday along with my next chemo. Hopefully my heart meds are working and getting heart stronger. My cardiologist is prescribing a life vest thing for me in the next week or so. As always, prayers for my family are so welcomed also, for my children and Rick. Thank you for your faithfulness in lifting us up to the throne. Much love,
Praying, praying. My wife recently labelled the last year of our lives as "The Humbling". I told her that I was humbled enough already. I guess that said it all. I now know that being humble is praying over everything. I've been horrible at this for some reason yet the more I'm humbled, the more I see the need for prayer. I consider it an honor to pray for you, your husband, and your family on a daily basis. God listens... how could I be more humbled than by that simple truth.
ReplyDeleteSarah has great insight! Love that girl (and her mom!) We will pray for your tests and next chemo, before, during and after. I'm sure you're sick of doctors, tests, treatments, and anxiety. May God give you glimpses of His presence.
Thank you for sharing your feelings and thoughts today. Sarah does have great insight. Our prayers for you and your family and friends today, tomorrow and always is "May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be Adored, Glorified, Loved and Preserved throughout the world, now and forever. Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for JoJo her family and friends. Saint Jude, Worker of Miracles, please pray for JoJo her family and friends. Saint Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, please pray for all of us. Amen" We love you JoJo, Rick and Jimmy, Charlie and Sarah. We are here praying. Know you are loved.
Deidre & Rance
Rance, Johnathan, Krystal, Kayla, Alexsandria, Azalea and Chloe